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A Partial Log Of Our Activities

  • Thursday, November 9, 2023
    • Learned about the origins of words and etymology of earth and corn learned how to say earth in chinese and ancient egyptian
    • Did a survey of classical music 3 songs a piece vivaldi, beethoven, bach, mozart, tchaikovsky, Chopin talked about how each made us feel and how the music felt, ie beethoven like soaring or charging, vivaldi like up and down up and down tchaikovsky like surprising then sneaky like a lead up to a jump scare
    • After learning earth in ancient egyptian was named after Ra’s grandson we talked for 15 minutes about the difference between monotheism and polytheism with examples of both leading to a brief 5 minute talk about why christianity was not polytheistic despite the trinity

    Friday, November 17, 2023

    • Review of pompey the emperor, talked about the first and second triumvirate, caesar’s civil war, sulla’s assassination at the hands of ptolemy and caesars retribution, the difference between republic and empire, caesar’s assassination and the formation of stars

    Wednesday, November 22, 2023

    • Abby did spelling via crosswords puzzles
    • Cursive practice

    Friday, 11/24/23

    • Art: decorating home with Christmas decor and setting up/decorating Christmas tree

    Monday, 11/27/23

    • Art: color terra gup 1, decorate tomato cages as christmas trees
    • we talked about galactic space ie size of galaxies solar systems etc

    Tuesday, 11/28/23

    • Art: make Tabby cat craft, color Terra gup 2, unicorn
    • ELA: write spelling words, write whole name (Abby), spelling test (Benny), Fill in the blank to finish the sentence
    • Math: adding tens and carrying digit from ones to tens
    • Today we talked about historical relativism and linguistic classism
    • Review of pompey the emperor, talked about the first and second triumvirate, Caesar’s civil war, Sulla’s assassination at the hands of Ptolemy and Cesars retribution, the difference between republic and empire, Caesar’s assassination and the formation of stars

    Wednesday, 11/29/23

    • ELA: type paragraph
    • Spanish: Duolingo
    • Art: coloring terra gup 3 and unicorn
    • Math: buying from a store (purchasing items within budget, adding receipt items and removing/subtracting items/prices when over budget), introduction to receiving change when purchasing items under budget

    Thursday, 11/30/23

    • ELA: type spelling words
    • Science: build digital rocket and launch
    • Spanish: Duolingo
    • Math: discuss the volume of earth and estimate the amount of years it would take for a single person to eat earth’s volume. Briefly discussed succession of millions (millions, billions, trillions, quadrillions, sentillions, sextillions)
    • Art: coloring terra gup 4, Forkie, and Jessie

    Friday, 12/1/23

    • Art: make poster for hypothetical science fair we’re hosting
    • Fractions (quarters) Multiplication
    • Alphabetical order 2 pages one with 2nd letter alphabetization
    • Science, brief history of newton’s laws of motion with an example via rubber band of the 3rd law of motion “All actions produce and equal and opposite reaction”
    • Social studies overview of the bill of rights with examples of why each right was enumerated in response to british actions/crimes

    Monday, 12/4/23

    Tuesday, 12/5/23

    Wednesday, 12/6/23

    • Math: review and do problems adding double digits, review and do problems “carrying” in addition, review and do subtraction problems, introduce “borrowing” in subtraction and do problems, (Abby) trace numbers 0-10.
    • ELA/Science: Watch show of choice (Chico Bon Bon) and write paragraph summary including: main character, supporting characters, plot/problem, climax, and resolution.

    Wednesday, 1/10/24

    • Math: review and complete worksheets for adding 2 digit numbers, regrouping, and subtraction with base ten. Base ten addition review.
    • ELA: contractions introduction and 2 worksheets; book reviews and book cover craft (Benny: The Wild Robot Escapes by Peter Brown; Abby: Alexander the Great by); Benny – oral book report on The Wild Robot
    • Spelling words (Benny: been, only, search, upon, brother, young, our, very, could, should) (Abby: more, come, girl, little, school, there, none, done, move, said)

    Thursday, 1/11/24

    • Social studies: survey lecture of Mansa Mensa, Rome, Martin Luther King Jr.
    • ELA/social studies: Reading Bug Adventures podcast about volcanoes in Hawaii and volcanologists, Wow in the World podcast episode on mummified bees
    • PE: playground

    Friday, 1/12/24

    • Social Studies: the life of Martin Luther King, Jr.
    • ELA: write thank you cards to family members for Christmas gifts

    Monday, 1/15/24 DCPS HOLIDAY

    • Math/ELA: Monopoly game
    • PE: outside play

    Tuesday, 1/16/24 DCPS SNOW DAY

    • PE: outside play, shoveling sidewalk
    • Used pizzas of different types to understand how you can scale up or down with any number via fractions
    • Spelling – learned 10 of the most common 300 words for story telling
    • Independent Reading 
    • Math/social studies: monopoly: learned money, rents and math

    Wednesday, 1/17/24

    • PE: outside play/sledding, shoveling sidewalk

    Thursday, 1/18/24

    • Art: drawing

    Friday, 1/19/24 DCPS SNOW DAY

    • Art: drawing
    • Math: measuring show accumulation
    • PE: outside play
    • Music: refresh on short songs on keyboard, learn Amazing Grace
    • Science/Social Studies: WowInTheWorld podcast episodes

    Saturday, 1/20/24

    • Math/ELA: Monopoly game
    • Math: practice change counting up
    • Art: lego building
    • ELA/Social Studies: mythical stories/creatures in different cultures

    Monday, 1/22/24

    • Science: Wow In The World podcast “Yay for Octo-Moms!”

    Monday, 1/29/24

    • Python course
    • scrabble spelling
    • brain games
    • tik tac toe (talked about coin fliping and probability
    • Drawing bridges
    • multiplying by base 10 ie 3×10 up to 20×10=20
    • Practiced grid coordinates
    • Talked about security deposits regarding playing with her racecar and what happens if he breaks it…he put down poo bear as his deposit since he’s out of cash
    • Abby built a zip line

    Wednesday, 2/21/24

    • Talked about darwin and evolution

    Thursday, 2/22/24

    • The Overthrow of Queen Lili‘uokalani | Hawaii’s Last Queen | PBS LearningMedia

    Tuesday, 2/27/24 

    • Discussed black holes and string theory

    Wednesday, 2/28/24 

    • Lecture on lloyds of london and slavers loan defaults resulting in GTT, surplus of black union troops post war leading to buffalo soldiers, the great american land grab, the implementation of rail, brief overview of robber barons, how rail facilitated towns and cities in the west and how it affected cattle pricing leading cattle farms to drive cattle to market rather than use trains, how boy was an insult and how cattle men called black ls cowboys….will discuss the ex-confederate  gang the “cowboys” and gunslingers tomorrow
    • They watched doc on black cowboys, watched doc on lift, experimented with airfoils and complete aire craft
    • he trail of tears and manifest destiny
    • Listened to sleep time cowboy music
    • Music: learned about Black composer Scott Joplin, listened to “The Entertainer”
    • ELA: spelling test (The sounds /f/ and /s/, spelt ‘ff’ and ‘ss’: puff, if, yes, miss, sniff, us, hiss, off, less, bus)

    Thursday, 2/29/24

    • ELA: spelling practice on Twinkle spelling, spelling test (The sounds /l/ and /k/, /z/ spelt ‘ll’, ‘ck’ and ‘zz’: back, buzz, fizz, flick, full, pal, pull, stick, wall, well)
    • Social studies: We Wow podcast – leap day
    • Health: introduction to nutrition label reading and grocery shopping
    • Science: tested Airfoil outdoors
    • Music: compared Scott Joplin and ragtime to Western saloon music

    Monday, 3/4/24

    • PE: bike riding

    Tuesday, 3/5/24

    • Art: make banners

    Wednesday, 3/6/24

    • ELA: listened to and discussed Dracula

    Thursday, 3/7/24

    • Finished Dracula and discussed christian symbolism, holy wafers, wine and transubstantiation, why garlic (they believed it purified blood), why sunlight (light of god) why the cross(power of christ)
    • Abby: read
    • Benny: spelling (Adding ‘-ing’, ‘-ed’ and ‘-er’ to verbs where no change is needed to the root word: buzzer, buzzed, jumping, jumped, hunted, hunting, cracked, buzzing, hunter, jumper)
    • Social Studies: Located modern day transylvania on map, tracked route from london on globe, decided that bc they found john in istanbul his trip was likely through the mediterranean then over land  by rail and carriage as opposed to across the channel and over land

    Friday, 3/8/24

    Tuesday, 3/12/24

    • ELA: adding er, ed, and ing.
    • Adjectives
    • Spelling rules for adding suffixes